Source code for joule.api.data_stream

from typing import Optional, Union, Dict, List

from .session import BaseSession
from .folder_type import Folder

from joule import errors

[docs] class DataStream: """ API DataStream model. See :ref:`sec-node-data-stream-actions` for details on using the API to manipulate data streams. Streams are locked if they are active or statically configured. When creating a stream manually, omit the ID and status attributes (**is_\***, **active**, and **locked**), these are set by the Joule server. Parameters: name (str): stream name, must be unique in the parent description (str): optional field datatype (str): element datatype keep_us (int): store the last N microseconds of data (-1 to keep all and 0 to keep none) is_configured: is the stream statically configured with a \*.conf file is_source: is the stream an active data source is_destination: is the stream an active data destination active (bool): is the stream a source or destination locked (bool): is the stream active or configured decimate (bool): is the stream data decimated for visualization elements (List[Element]): list of the stream elements """ def __init__(self, name: str = "", description: str = "", datatype: str = "float32", keep_us: int = -1, elements: List['Element'] = None): self._id = None = name self.description = description self.datatype = datatype self.keep_us = keep_us # -1 = KEEP ALL self.is_configured = False self.is_source = False self.is_destination = False self.locked = False = False self.decimate = True if elements is None: elements = [] self.elements = elements def __repr__(self): return "<joule.api.DataStream id=%r name=%r description=%r datatype=%r is_configured=%r is_source=%r is_destination=%r locked=%r decimate=%r>" % ( self._id,, self.description, self.datatype, self.is_configured, self.is_source, self.is_destination, self.locked, self.decimate) @property def id(self) -> int: if self._id is None: raise errors.ApiError("this is a local model with no ID. See API docs") return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value: int): self._id = value @property def layout(self): return self.datatype.lower() + '_' + str(len(self.elements)) def to_json(self) -> Dict: return { "id": self._id, "name":, "description": self.description, "is_configured": self.is_configured, "is_source": self.is_source, "is_destination": self.is_destination, "datatype": self.datatype, "keep_us": self.keep_us, "locked": self.locked, "active":, "decimate": self.decimate, "elements": [e.to_json() for e in self.elements] }
def from_json(json) -> DataStream: my_stream = DataStream() = json['id'] = json['name'] my_stream.description = json['description'] my_stream.datatype = json['datatype'] my_stream.decimate = json['decimate'] my_stream.keep_us = json['keep_us'] my_stream.is_configured = json['is_configured'] my_stream.is_source = json['is_source'] my_stream.is_destination = json['is_destination'] my_stream.locked = json['locked'] = json['active'] my_stream.elements = [elem_from_json(item) for item in json['elements']] return my_stream
[docs] class Element: """ API Element model. Streams have one or more elements. See :ref:`sec-streams` for details on the stream data model. Parameters: id (int): unique numeric ID assigned by Joule index (int): column position in the data array (0 = first element) name (str): element name units (str): unit of measurement, may be any string plottable (bool): should the element be visible in the Lumen plotting interface display_type [continous|discrete|event]: plot type, defaults to continuous offset (float): offset data visualization by ``y=(x-offset)*scale_factor`` scale_factor (float): scale data visualation with above equation default_max (float): fix auto scale max (set to None to fit plotted data) default_min (float): fix auto scale min (set to None to fit plotted data) """ def __init__(self, name: str = "", units: str = "", plottable: bool = True, display_type: str = 'continuous'): = None self.index = None = name self.units = units self.plottable = plottable self.display_type = display_type self.offset = 0 self.scale_factor = 1.0 self.default_max = None self.default_min = None def __repr__(self): return "<joule.api.Element id=%r index=%r, name=%r units=%r plottable=%r display_type=%r>" % (, self.index,, self.units, self.plottable, self.display_type) def to_json(self) -> Dict: return { 'id':, 'index': self.index, 'name':, 'units': self.units, 'plottable': self.plottable, 'display_type': self.display_type, 'offset': self.offset, 'scale_factor': self.scale_factor, 'default_max': self.default_max, 'default_min': self.default_min }
def elem_from_json(json) -> Element: my_elem = Element() = json['id'] my_elem.index = json['index'] = json['name'] my_elem.units = json['units'] my_elem.plottable = json['plottable'] my_elem.display_type = json['display_type'] my_elem.offset = json['offset'] my_elem.scale_factor = json['scale_factor'] my_elem.default_min = json['default_min'] my_elem.default_max = json['default_max'] return my_elem
[docs] class DataStreamInfo: """ API DataStreamInfo model. Received from :meth:`Node.data_stream_info` and should not be created directly. .. warning:: Rows and Bytes values are approximate Parameters: start (int): timestamp in UNIX microseconds of the first data element end (int): timestamp in UNIX microsseconds of the last data element rows (int): approximate rows of data in the stream bytes (int): approximate size of the data on disk total_time (int): data duration in microseconds (start-end) """ def __init__(self, start: Optional[int], end: Optional[int], rows: int, total_time: int = 0, bytes: int = 0): self.start = start self.end = end self.rows = rows self.bytes = bytes self.total_time = total_time def __repr__(self): return "<joule.api.DataStreamInfo start=%r end=%r rows=%r, total_time=%r>" % ( self.start, self.end, self.rows, self.total_time)
def info_from_json(json) -> DataStreamInfo: if json is not None: return DataStreamInfo(json['start'], json['end'], json['rows'], json['total_time'], json['bytes']) else: return DataStreamInfo(None, None, 0, 0, 0) async def data_stream_delete(session: BaseSession, stream: Union[DataStream, str, int]): data = {} if type(stream) is DataStream: data["id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid stream datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") await session.delete("/stream.json", data) async def data_stream_create(session: BaseSession, stream: DataStream, folder: Union[Folder, str, int]) -> DataStream: data = {"stream": stream.to_json()} if type(folder) is Folder: data["dest_id"] = elif type(folder) is int: data["dest_id"] = folder elif type(folder) is str: data["dest_path"] = folder else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid folder datatype. Must be Folder, Path, or ID") resp = await"/stream.json", json=data) return from_json(resp) async def data_stream_info(session: BaseSession, stream: Union[DataStream, str, int]) -> DataStreamInfo: data = {} if type(stream) is DataStream: data["id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid stream datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") resp = await session.get("/stream.json", data) return info_from_json(resp['data_info']) async def data_stream_get(session: BaseSession, stream: Union[DataStream, str, int]) -> DataStream: data = {} if type(stream) is DataStream: data["id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid stream datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") data["no-info"]='' resp = await session.get("/stream.json", data) return from_json(resp) async def data_stream_update(session: BaseSession, stream: DataStream) -> None: await session.put("/stream.json", {"id":, "stream": stream.to_json()}) async def data_stream_move(session: BaseSession, source: Union[DataStream, str, int], destination: Union[Folder, str, int]) -> None: data = {} if type(source) is DataStream: data["src_id"] = elif type(source) is int: data["src_id"] = source elif type(source) is str: data["src_path"] = source else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid source datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") if type(destination) is Folder: data["dest_id"] = elif type(destination) is int: data["dest_id"] = destination elif type(destination) is str: data["dest_path"] = destination else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid destination datatype. Must be Folder, Path, or ID") await session.put("/stream/move.json", data) async def data_stream_annotation_delete(session: BaseSession, stream: Union[DataStream, str, int], start: Optional[int] = None, end: Optional[int] = None): data = {} if start is not None: data["start"] = start if end is not None: data["end"] = end if type(stream) is DataStream: data["stream_id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["stream_id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["stream_path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid source datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") await session.delete("/stream/annotations.json", params=data)