Source code for joule.client.filter_module

import asyncio
import logging

import joule.utilities
from . import base_module
from joule import errors

[docs] class FilterModule(base_module.BaseModule):
[docs] async def setup(self, parsed_args, app, inputs, outputs): """ Configure the module, executes before :meth:`run` Args: parsed_args: app: inputs: outputs: Returns: """ pass
[docs] async def run(self, parsed_args, inputs, outputs): """ This method must be implemented. It should run in a loop, if it returns the module stops. Args: parsed_args: parsed command line arguments, configure with :meth:`joule.BaseModule.custom_args` inputs: pipe connections to input streams indexed by name (specified in the module configuration file). outputs: pipe connections to output streams indexed by name (specified in the module configuration file). .. code-block:: python class ModuleDemo(FilterModule): def run(self, parsed_args, inputs, outputs): raw = inputs["raw"] filtered = outputs["filtered"] # this filter just passes the input through to the output while(not self.stop_requested): data = await await filtered.write(data) raw.consume(len(data)) #... other module code """ assert False, "implement in child class" # pragma: no cover
async def run_as_task(self, parsed_args, app) -> asyncio.Task: (input_streams, output_streams) = await self._parse_streams(parsed_args) missing_intervals = await self._compute_missing_intervals(input_streams, output_streams, parsed_args) return asyncio.create_task(self._task(missing_intervals, input_streams, output_streams, parsed_args, app)) async def _task(self, pending_intervals, input_streams, output_streams, parsed_args, app): if len(pending_intervals) == 0: if len(input_streams) == 0: print("No inputs, cannot run on historic data, specify --live to produce outputs") else: print("Nothing to do, data is already filtered") return asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(0)) # if an interval is None this indicates the pipes should be live for interval in pending_intervals: if interval is not None: print("%s => %s" % (joule.utilities.timestamp_to_human(interval[0]), joule.utilities.timestamp_to_human(interval[1]))) elif print("Running filter on live input data") try: (pipes_in, pipes_out) = await self._build_pipes_new(interval, input_streams, output_streams, parsed_args.pipes) except errors.ApiError as e: logging.error(str(e)) return asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(0)) await self.setup(parsed_args, app, pipes_in, pipes_out) try: await, pipes_in, pipes_out) except (asyncio.CancelledError, errors.EmptyPipeError): pass for pipe in pipes_out.values(): await pipe.close()