Source code for joule.api.annotation

from typing import Union, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from dataclasses import dataclass

from joule import errors
from .session import BaseSession

from .data_stream import DataStream

[docs] class Annotation: """ API Annotation model. See :ref:`sec-node-annotation-actions` for details on using the API to manipulate annotations. Annotations are associated with streams and may either coverage a range of data or a single event. If **end** is ``None`` the annotation marks an event, otherwise it marks a range. Parameters: title (string): annotation title content (string): additional description (optional) start (int): Unix microsecond timestamp end (int): specify for range annotation, omit for event annotation """ def __init__(self, title: str, start: int, end: Optional[int] = None, content: str = ""): = None self.title = title self.content = content self.stream_id = None self.start = start self.end = end def __eq__(self, other: 'Annotation'): if self.title != other.title: return False if self.content != other.content: return False if self.start != other.start: return False if self.end != other.end: return False return True def to_json(self): return { 'title': self.title, 'start': self.start, 'end': self.end, 'content': self.content, 'id': }
@dataclass class AnnotationInfo: start: int end: int count: int def from_json(json) -> Annotation: annotation = Annotation(title=json['title'], start=json['start'], end=json['end'], content=json['content']) = json["id"] annotation.stream_id = json["stream_id"] return annotation async def annotation_create(session: BaseSession, annotation: Annotation, stream: Union[int, str, 'DataStream'], ) -> Annotation: from .data_stream import DataStream data = {"title": annotation.title, "content": annotation.content, "start": annotation.start, "end": annotation.end} if type(stream) is DataStream: data["stream_id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["stream_id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["stream_path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid stream datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") json = await"/annotation.json", json=data) return from_json(json) async def annotation_delete(session: BaseSession, annotation: Union[int, Annotation]): data = {} if type(annotation) is Annotation: data["id"] = elif type(annotation) is int: data["id"] = annotation await session.delete("/annotation.json", params=data) async def annotation_update(session: BaseSession, annotation: Annotation): data = {"id":, "title": annotation.title, "content": annotation.content, } json = await session.put("/annotation.json", json=data) return from_json(json) async def annotation_info(session: BaseSession, stream: Union['DataStream', str, int]): data = {} if type(stream) is DataStream: data["stream_id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["stream_id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["stream_path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid stream datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") json = await session.get("/annotations/info.json", data) return AnnotationInfo(**json) async def annotation_get(session: BaseSession, stream: Union['DataStream', str, int], start: Optional[int], end: Optional[int]) -> List[Annotation]: from .data_stream import DataStream data = {} if start is not None: data["start"] = start if end is not None: data["end"] = end if type(stream) is DataStream: data["stream_id"] = elif type(stream) is int: data["stream_id"] = stream elif type(stream) is str: data["stream_path"] = stream else: raise errors.ApiError("Invalid stream datatype. Must be DataStream, Path, or ID") json = await session.get("/annotations.json", data) annotations = [] for item in json: annotations.append(from_json(item)) return annotations